Privacy policy

At Global Sellz, we prioritize safeguarding the privacy and security of both our valued clients and the visitors to our website, which includes yourself. Our team at Global Sellz consists of individuals who also engage with various other online platforms, and we deeply respect and value your privacy. Should you have any inquiries about how we protect your privacy, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

Across all our services, the entity responsible for your data privacy, or the data controller, is Global Sellz.

We'd like to elucidate the information we collect and the reasons behind it:

Your Name and Contact Details

Why do we require this information?

  • Facilitate order deliveries.
  • Provide timely updates via text messages or emails, ensuring you're informed about promotions and anticipated delivery dates.
  • To prevent and detect fraudulent activities, safeguarding you and Global Sellz.
  • Enhance our understanding of your preferences and tailor our offerings accordingly.

Your Date of Birth

  • To verify your legal age.
  • Counteract potential fraudulent activities.

Gender Information

  • Direct you to sections that match your interests.
  • Expedite your search for products that pique your curiosity.

Payment Details

  • Facilitate payment processing and refunds.
  • Essential for upholding our contractual agreement with you and supporting seamless online transactions.
  • To combat fraudulent activities.

Contact History with Us

  • Elevate customer service quality.
  • Train our team to deliver superior assistance during interactions with you.

Purchase History and Saved Items

  • Recommend products aligned with your preferences.
  • Offer customer service, manage returns, and understand collective preferences.

Linked Account Information

  • Simplify website access through direct social network links.
  • Provide tailored product recommendations for your convenience.

Survey Responses, Quizzes, and Promotions

  • Conduct surveys, quizzes, and promotions.
  • Enhance your shopping experience based on feedback.

IP Address, Browser, and Operating System

  • Develop targeted email marketing strategies.

While the provision of personal information isn't obligatory, refraining from doing so might limit your shopping experience on our website. Nevertheless, your choices are respected. We are dedicated to delivering products you love, and without your data, we would be unable to fulfill orders, process payments, and offer personalized assistance. Our commitment is unwavering in safeguarding your data.

We also anonymize data and aggregate it for research and system enhancement, sharing it with third parties.


Collaborating with payment platforms ensures smooth order processing, and we have meticulously selected secure options. These platforms, like us, prioritize your data security:


Our social network profiles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+, Instagram) promote Global Sellz products and services. By joining these groups, users agree to the social network's terms and conditions and provide us with limited access to their public information.

We apply Google Analytics for statistical insights such as gender, age, and location to tailor our offerings.


Global Sellz reserves the right to organize these events, following the rules set by the relevant social network.


We may use social networks for advertising purposes, abiding by applicable laws and platform regulations.

For privacy policies of specific social networks, please consult the links provided.


If any clause in these Conditions of Use becomes void, the remaining provisions will stay effective and uphold the parties' intentions and purposes.


Global Sellz reserves the right to modify the website's design, Conditions of Use, and Privacy and Cookies Policy without prior notice. Updated Conditions of Use will be accessible to users.


Communication between Global Sellz and clients shall occur online or via email to


We adhere to the EU Regulation 2016/679 to protect your personal data, which comes into effect on May 25, 2018. More information is available at: